From the heart and hills of Manipur, the story revolves around seven guardians ‘chosen’ to...
Bring out your sunglasses and a reading mat, we are going to read this summer....
Once in a while you come across a book that has the power to pierce...
How did you start writing ? I am not sure if I know exactly when...
Well the hard part is over, you finished writing the book , now you have...
The author narrates the story of Amit, a middle aged working professional, who faces the...
They say that sometimes the journey is more interesting than the destination. This couldn't have...
Nishant Prakash is a strategic advisor by profession and a dreamer by choice. 'Falling In...
The title of the book is sure to catch anybody's attention and that's what happened...
Tanima Das has won the Write India competition thrice with huge accolades for her stories...
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