“Big things have small beginnings, Sir” -Mr Dryden, Lawrence of Arabia Indeed, every manager and every entrepreneur start small. Everything could be a motivation if your perception is aligned with your goal. Even movies can be! And, I can vouch for that. As a business leader and movie enthusiast, many movies I watched helped me grapple with my professional challenges, and left me with lasting insights. What more, this education is never ending, and it’s entertaining. This book is a product of my curious eye that scooped management lessons from extraordinary movies around the globe. I have shared practical tips and management lessons which will help you grow your managerial career or business. After reading this book you’ll be able to appreciate more about- 1. Business idea, pitch and plan 2. Directing your business towards a perfect growth 3. Hiring the right team 4. Getting the team to work as a team. Becoming an authentic Manager/Leader 5. Managing yourself before others.