Maya: I Bow to Thee, You Cannot be Overcome

Maya: I Bow to Thee, You Cannot be Overcome

Book Name:   Maya: I Bow to Thee, You Cannot be Overcome

Author's Name:  Acharya Prashant

Book Summary

Maya is an introspective book. *This page consists of Amazon affiliate buy link, which means that if you click and buy through the link, we earn a very little commission.*

Price:  ₹ 287

Author's Details: ACHARYA PRASHANT is a champion of socio-spiritual awakening in today's world. He is an acclaimed Vedanta exegete and author of over 70 books, including the national bestseller Karma. An alumnus of IIT-Delhi, IIM-Ahmedabad and a former civil services officer, he is an exponent of pure Vedantic wisdom, a campaigner against superstition, a proponent of spiritual veganism, and an expounder of essential human freedom.

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