Timeless Tales to Ignite Your Mind

Timeless Tales to Ignite Your Mind

Book Name:   Timeless Tales to Ignite Your Mind

Author's Name:  Shubha Vilas

Book Summary

50 Stories of Wit & Wisdom from Ancient India In Timeless Tales to Ignite Your Mind, national author Shubha Vilas revives our ancient tradition of sharing wisdom through storytelling. Dive in and marvel at BIRBAL’S INTELLIGENCE TENALI’S BRILLIANCE VIKRAMADITYA’S COURAGE BRAHMA’S ASTUTENESS That’s not all. This collection is replete with enthralling tales of kings, commoners and even animals (and they can talk!) who face life’s troubles but emerge victorious with the help of their intelligence and wit. Each story ends with engaging questions that will help you reflect on the anecdote and the lessons inside. These folktales may have been forgotten in this digital era but they still retain their relevance and charm, thanks to their priceless practical insights.

Price:  ₹ 340

Author's Details: SHUBHA VILAS is a lifestyle coach, storyteller and author. He studied patent law after completing his engineering degree but finally chose the path of a spiritual seeker. He’s authored many books and Ramayana: The Game of Life is his bestselling series. The focus of his work is the application of scriptural wisdom to daily life and addressing the needs of corporates and the youth through thought-provoking seminars.


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