Book Review: Bedazzle – The Art and Science of Eternal Confidence

Book Review: Bedazzle – The Art and Science of Eternal Confidence

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Shamoly Khera’s ‘Bedazzle – The Art and Science of Eternal Confidence‘ is a great guide for people who want to shine bright like a diamond. The self-help book is written for dreamers, go-getters, and achievers.

At the beginning of the book, Shamoly says that you can be whoever you want to be. The ingredient that you need to accomplish all your dreams is confidence because there is no head-turner like confidence.

She shared her personal experiences to make sure that the book does not feel didactic. I enjoyed how Shamoly made several references to the sitcom ‘F.R.I.E.N.D.S.’ to show how different people have different drives, motivations, and career approaches.

Shamoly writes next about how to find your superpower. She emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, self-actualization, building self-worth, and preventing self-victimization by asking a series of relevant questions and citing real-life examples.

I liked how she wrote about the way athletes never lose their confidence despite multiple failures. It was interesting to know about the nine sources of sports confidence and the failure bounce-back framework that anyone can implement to convert failure into success.

As the title suggests, the book also delves into scientific experiments related to self-belief and confidence. Shamoly emphasizes the importance of storytelling by giving the example of TEDx speakers. She says that the easiest way to impress people is to have a rich bag of interesting stories.

If you have always wondered how to start a conversation with people, this book has an entire chapter dedicated to it. Shamoly has shared great tips on initiating a conversation, asking the right questions, and working on the way we speak.

After sharing useful tips on voice modulation and how to be a great listener, she writes about how to work on our body language to look more confident. Shamoly gives great tips on building a great wardrobe. If you feel clueless about which outfit you should wear for a particular event, you will find the chapter called ‘Dress like it matters’ very beneficial.

For people who are scared of speaking on stage, she has written about how to give a great speech by overcoming stage fright. She also motivates aspiring YouTubers by sharing tips on how to start a YouTube Channel.

‘Bedazzle’ has plenty to offer. It teaches you to be confident in every aspect of your life. However, due to the enormous information presented in the book, readers can feel overwhelmed at times.

If you want to chase your dreams fearlessly and become recognized for your talent, pick this book. It will hold your hand and motivate you at every step just like what a good mentor would do. 

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