Three Times Lucky

Three Times Lucky

Three Times Lucky

Book Name:   Three Times Lucky

Author's Name:  Andaleeb Wajid

Book Summary

Could falling in love be considered lucky? This is the story of Athiya Hasan, the third and youngest sister in Jasmine Villa. She is not a fan of marriage and considers her work more important. But, while working in Farhan Ahmed’s office, things change. Jasmine Villa series is the story of three sisters in three different books and ‘Three Times Lucky’ is the third and last book. Do not miss the opportunity to apply for a review copy in paperback. You can read the entire series or as standalone novels.

Price:  ₹ 250

Author's Details: Andaleeb Wajid is the author of over 40 books in 14 years.

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Total Reviews : 1 Review

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