Live, Laugh and Let Go by Gul Hinduja

Live, Laugh and Let Go


Book Name:   Live, Laugh and Let Go

Author's Name:  Gul Hinduja

Book Summary

In Live, Laugh and Let Go, veteran entrepreneur Gul Hinduja invites readers from all walks of life to embark on an intimate journey through his life—a rich tapestry of dreams, triumphs, setbacks, joys, fears and hopes, woven together to form the extraordinary life of an ordinary man. Gul’s path to becoming a global businessman was far from easy, but his unwavering embrace of life and his ability to forge deep, meaningful relationships across the world have made him a beacon of joy and inspiration to all who meet him. Born into the renowned Hinduja family, Gul chose to lead a humble life. This choice, far from limiting him, has been his compass, guiding him through life’s most intricate mazes with a clear mind, positive attitude and unshakeable grace. This book is more than just an autobiography; it is Gul Hinduja’s legacy to the world. Through his story, he encourages readers to believe in their dreams, to embrace every day as a celebration, and to never retire from the pursuit of their passions.

Price:  ₹ 350

Author's Details: Gul Hinduja, the Managing Trustee of the IndusInd Foundation, is a global businessman hailing from a distinguished business family. His life philosophy is simple yet profound: learn, earn and share. This ethos is evident in his involvement with various institutions, schools, colleges and hospitals, and his dedicated service to deserving individuals. His life is a symphony of bonds, knowledge, music and laughter, and this book is his gift to the world.

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