Learning to Breathe – By Alison Wright

Learning to Breathe - By Alison Wright

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With the book Learning to Breathe,�I went on a journey spanning years with the writer Alison Wright. It�s a sole woman’s journey across various terrains and conditions showcasing her spirit, experiences and beliefs.\n\nAlison braves Arctic winds, climbs Mount Kilimanjaro and completes her pilgrimage to Kailash all within the first 3 years of her life shattering accident. The book could have been ordinary if it was written by any other traveller visiting dangerous terrains of this planet, but what makes you finish reading the book are Alison�s difficult bodily conditions coupled with her unrelenting promise to herself � to seek thrill or may be herself in the process.\n\nShe combines the spiritual beliefs, meetings with renowned personalities and medical conditions of her body and soul in a truthful biography and the lucidity of her writing brings out the honest effort in sharing her journey. Sometimes detailed description of operations and medical procedures may appear repetitive to a reader, but with few flips of pages you are again starting a new journey with Ailson.\n\nThe author has shared her personal pictures, which actually makes you see and feel parts of her journey and experiences. The book could have also presented a way of exploring areas of Near Death Experience or political view of Tibet’s war for identity, but Alison doesn�t seem to share more about it and restricts it to share her post accident part of new life.\n\nThe book is for you if you want to seek endurance level of a feeble body but a strong will-power. Rom Com readers, please excuse me; it doesn�t have any romantic shades, though written by a young American photo journalist. I picked up this book more for its catchy title and I am content that it lived up to my expectation of a cover to cover read.\n\nReviewed by: Ritu -�A wandering soul\n\nThe rules, practices and discrimination of this earth identifies her as female, Indian, Sagittarian, HR Professional, Startup owner etc … but she still feels the word Wanderer suits her the best.\n\nAbout the author:\n\nAlison Wright, a New York-based documentary photographer, has spent a career capturing the universal human spirit through her photographs and writing. For many of her projects, Alison travels to the remotest regions of the globe photographing endangered cultures and people while documenting issues concerning the human condition.\n\nAlison is a recipient of the�Dorothea Lange Award in Documentary Photography, and a two-time winner of the�Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Award. Alison was named a National Geographic Traveler of the Year as someone who travels with a sense of passion and purpose and awarded Premier Travelers Most Compelling Woman in the Travel Industry.\n\nAuthor(s): Alison Wright\nPublisher: Plume\nRelease: July 2009\nGenre: Non Fiction/Biography\nBuy from�Amazon � Please use the affiliate link below & share the love!\n\n

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