Think With Me – By Subrata Roy ‘Sahara’

Think With Me - By Subrata Roy 'Sahara'

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\"\"Think With Meis a deep thought out conversation about fundamental problems accruing in these five areas – political leadership, population growth, education, media and religion, that are somewhat hindering the growth of our nation. We all will surely agree that our country is progressing but amidst the growth, there are some hard-hitting roadblocks in the path that are yet to be dealt with. Subrata Roy Sahara has meticulously articulated the significant new potential solutions to these five issues in an easy informative and expository way possible. To start with, it begins with Electoral System and Leadership where he highlights an important point of moral policing of politicians by curbing election expenditure.\n\nHe further proposes a concept of nominated Deputy Member of Parliament [NDMP] in Lok Sabha. Moving on, the author highlights the horrifying scenario of Population growth. In his words – ‘Our population is flourishing on poor qualifications and low merits.’ In wake of it, he elaborately points a concept of ideal family. As the pages flip and we gradually move on, the author draws attention to the existing Education part of our system. He has emphasized that �One needs to gain insight into the education of life to be educated.� I agree with his words.\n\nMedia, as we all know has a deep rooted role in creating awareness and setting up mindsets. For the same Media, the author believes it�s somehow fouled in its responsibility in wake of commercialism. On that, I would slightly agree too and therefore he talks about certain rules for its betterment. In the last segment, he discusses about Religion. In his words – ‘These days people are very much attached to their respective religions and the fact that they all are the offspring of the same progenitor, has gone into the background.’ In light of it, he boldly states that national interest is by far above all religions and therefore opines of taking the rich values of all religions, thereby forming a one strong National Religion.\n\nSubrata Roy Sahara�s second book Think With Me�is a showcase of our grim realities.\n

It�s a motivational, thought-provoking�and revolutionary kind of book with which you may relate but not totally.

\nNevertheless, it�s a highly opinionated read sharing the author�s true experiences and wisdom as a contribution towards his nation.

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