The Letters Undefined — By Neha R Krishna

The Letters Undefined -- By Neha R Krishna

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What’s the best way to reach a person who is far away from you? Letters, filled with love and angst.

Here’s an excerpt from the story:

She spent her ages in a week’s time, simply waiting for her husband. They did not exchange any words, since then, no calls, no letters, no messages. It was warm, crispy Sunday of mid winter when he left. Leaving her to sip her hot coffee all alone. Every morning the vapors from the coffee mug outlined his presence, and the thoughts, sprawled all over, spilling through the eyes, as fresh as greens, as dark as black. The image on the wall trickles tears, conceptualizing the rawest and to conjure the new image. Her past and her present were struggling to conceive memories.

As soon as she sees the book, she got her answer. The only way to reach him, to reach her husband is letters. Determined with her new hope, feeling the sun of hope rising within, her skin beamed serenity.

About the author:

She rushed to seek a blank paper and a pen to ink every beat of her heart on the paper.

Neha R Krishna is an Indian poet and writer from Mumbai.She has contributed her poetic work with many national and international anthologies and she is an author of a poetry book \”Inks\”. She was one of the winners of Frang Bardhi Literary Prize 2013.

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This story is part of our latest book – Jukebox: A collection of stellar short stories by budding writers of India. Jukebox book has some very interesting stories. Stories of choice, journey from chaos to order.

Do buy a copy of the book to support this initiative by Writersmelon.

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